
Volunteer Cordinator: Email:jmlugemwa@gmail.com 
                               Tel: 763-291-1102

Working at Nazareth Children's Home

Two volunteers are usually placed at the orphanage. We try to shuffle volunteers between the orphanage and the Academy to get chance to work at both sites. Kids attend different school during the week. Work may involve hand crafts, daily chores and helping with home work. Please note that the orphanage is not on the same sight as the school and host family. In a taxi, it takes about 50 minutes to travel to the orphanage and about $5 round trip. Some two volunteers are stationed at the orphanage and others travel there for weekends.

What We Do

URF operate: an orphanage, a vocational high school, after school programs, women empowerment programs, child sponsorship, and many more.

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About Us

URF is a 501(c)(3) charity registered in Uganda, USA, and Canada. We focus on education, health, and community development in the most rural areas of Uganda.

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News and Events

- Community Empowerment Seminar attended by 600 people
- 3 new homes built for child headed families.
- Men's group launched.
- Agriculture workshop for August. Business training workshop set for Sept.

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webmaster jmlugemwa@gmail.com