Uganda Rural Fund Volunteers
Volunteers for 2011 Past Volunteers
Christine Br uckner, USA, July 27 - August 18, 2011
Hi, I am Christine Bruckner. I am a 25-year-old medical student currently living in Minneapolis, MN. I grew up in North Carolina and went to college in Iowa, where I studied Biology and French. I had the opportunity to study abroad in Senegal for a semester, where I got the chance to volunteer at a community clinic in a small village outside of Dakar. I am very interested in international medicine and am excited to work with the Village Health Worker program. I have heard many wonderful things about the people and country of Uganda and am looking forward to getting to know both.
Phillip Gross, U SA, July 27 - August 18, 2011
Hello, my name is Phil Gross and I am 27 years old and currently live in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I attend the University of Minnesota Medical School and am volunteering through Uganda Rural Fund with six of my classmates. I also attended the University of Minnesota for my undergraduate degree, a Bachelor's of Science in Biochemistry and Genetics/Cell Development. Following graduation, I worked in biomedial research for 4 years studying HIV and its interaction with human immune system proteins. As an extension of my research, I volunteered abroad in Tanzania in 2008, during which I gained a sincere interest in global health and serving the underserved.
Catherine Hansen, USA, July 27 - August 18, 2011
Hello, my name is Catherine Hansen. I am a student at the University of Minnesota Medical School. When I graduate from school in 2014, I hope to work mostly with women and children. I also love to travel - I lived and worked in Japan for one year, and have also been to Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. This will be my second time in Africa, and my second time working with Uganda Rural Fund. Last time I was filming a documentary about child-headed families. This time I will be supporting the new clinic, and working on training Village Health Workers. Thank you all in advance for your support!
Dih-Dih H uang, USA, July 27 - August 18, 2011
Hi, I am Dih-Dih Huang. I am 22 and studying medicine at the University of Minnesota. I grew up in Roseville, Minnesota. Prior to medical school, I studied Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Johns
University, and, following graduation spent a year working in immunology research at the Johns
School. This will be my first trip to Africa and I am excited to meet the amazing people of Uganda and the Village Health Worker program.
Tammy Bardwell, USA, July 13 - Sept 18, 2011
Hi, I’m Tammy from Utah! I am 23 and studying Marketing at Weber State University. Currently I am working an internship at the Utah Hotel & Lodging Association. This my first time traveling and volunteering over-sea’s. I am excited to help and learn from Uganda’s local people.
Katie Thompson, USA, July 19 - Sept 30, 2011
Hi! My name is Katie Thompson and this is my second time volunteering with URF. I could not be more excited to return to Uganda and to Kyetume, especially. I am a 27 year old actress, dancer, singer, photographer and film maker from the Washington, DC area. I have a Bachelor's degree in Theatre with a minor in Dance from George Mason University, and my biggest passions are the arts and Uganda. I cannot wait to dance again with the locals, and to work with the kids at Hope Academy and Nazareth Orphanage. My first experience in Uganda changed my life forever, so I am interested to see what happens this time on trip #2. I am coming back to Uganda with an open mind, an open heart, and a video camera so look out! I am so grateful for this opportunity and for the support of my family and friends here in the USA. When thinking about volunteering with URF, my good friend Megan and this quote comes to mind: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman
Amy Buchan an-Hughes, UK, July 15 - Sept 13, 2011
"Hello! I'm Amy and I study biochemistry at Cambridge University. I visited Uganda once before, in 2009, and fell in love with the country and its people. Since then I've been longing to go back. I'm really excited to be volunteering rather than just travelling because I think it will give me a much deeper understanding of the country and culture, as well as the chance to build relationships with the community and make a difference in people's lives. I'm also looking forward to celebrating my 21st birthday in Africa!"
Claire Peace Meade, USA, July 01 - 30, 2011
Howdy from Texas! My name is Claire Pace Meade and I am a 25 year old resident of Austin, Texas. Teaching sweet, ambitious children at a non-profit preschool/kindergarten takes up most of my time and energy, but I enjoy it- each day is a challenging, rewarding, and edifying experience. I adore the amazing city and community in which I live, but have dreamt for years of traveling to Uganda. I am overjoyed and humbled at the opportunity to come learn from the beautiful people of the URF this summer. I am determined to contribute as much as possible, and I can't wait to see you all in July.
David Ruzick a, Czech Republic, July 01 - Aug 05, 2011
Hi. My name is David. I'm, say, a student of management and economics (not sure if all my professors would agree though :). I work around Europe in sports industry and occasionaly visit universities of the place. I have been very lucky to meet interesting people lately and last year it was Sarah Davies who suggested me URF as a good team to work with. Impressed by the recent changes in education and social sciences, I'd like to experience how it fits in with rural Uganda.
Loes O udenhuijsen, The Netherlands, Oct 01, 2011 – June 01, 2012
My name is Loes Oudenhuijsen and I’m a 17-year-old high school student from the Netherlands. I’m graduating from high school coming May and before I start with my study of International Development Studies, I want to take a gap year to actually experience what I’m going to learn later in my study. I’ve always been interested in development aid in third world countries, but it was not until my English teacher enthralled me with her stories of her years in Namibia and Kenya that I decided to volunteer after high school. I’m really looking forward to working for URF and to engage in Ugandan life!
Julia Stritt and Isabell Frey, Germany, July 08 – Aug 02, 2011
"We are Julia (24) and Isabell (25) from Germany and have just finished our studies Pharmacy and International Business. Before we start to work, we want to experience a challenge that will influence our lives. During the last years we lived in different countries, and now we are happy about getting to know Uganda with its people, culture, and nature. We are very excited to be a part of this project and are looking forward to making our best contribution."
Natalie Campbell and Aaron Owen, USA, May 24 - Aug 01, 2011
Ms. Natalie Campbell and Mr. Aaron Owen are both students at Marquette University, the Jesuit school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. They began their involvement with URF to help with the development of a Leadership program and are looking forward to their time in Uganda from May-July, 2011. As the cofounders of For & By, they are dedicated to the vision that everyone in society can take initiative and address social needs, rather than looking to the elite few who lead today. In addition to their shared interest in leadership development, individual empowerment, and public policy, Ms. Campbell is pursuing a career in education and Mr. Owen is pursuing a career in medicine.
Stefanie Parke r, USA, May 15 - Aug 07, 2011
My name is Stef Parker, and I am a 25 year-old Virginia native. I love to travel and learn new things. This is my last summer before finishing my studies and entering the real world. I can’t think of a cooler way to spend my last summer than volunteering with URF. Though I think I have learned quite a bit studying for a Master’s of Public Administration and a law degree, there are many things I cannot learn in a classroom. I want to use my time to have meaningful experiences and engage people that I would not otherwise meet. I am thrilled at the opportunity to work with the wonderful people at URF and learn as much as I can from you all.
Rodrigo Hernán dez, Spain, May 19 - July 15, 2011
Hi! My name is Rodrigo. I am from Spain and I am 22 years old. I am currently studying a dual degree in Business and law. I have spent the last two years studying abroad in Munich and Ohio, USA. I like to experience new things and this program I think it will be a very helpful influence in my life. I have always had a desire to go to Africa to socialize with its people and experience the culture. I am really looking forward to this experience.
Lory Willard, May 06, June 12, 2011
Hi! My name is Lory Willard and I am a 20 year old student at Virginia Tech studying Biological Systems Engineering. I’m going to be working at the Nazareth Orphanage to help install a photovoltaic system with Engineers Without Borders, however I am most excited about getting to know the community and the culture in Uganda. I’m looking forward to a wonderful experience this summer!
Jordan Plahn, USA, May 06, June 12, 2011
My name is Jordan Plahn. I’m a 19 year old student studying Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech. I have lived 12 years of my life overseas and love to travel. I have traveled and lived in Africa before, which caused me to be interested in Uganda. I have volunteered in Malawi before, and I am excited to visit and work in Uganda. I love to learn about local culture, so I am ready to be immersed in the local community.
Machalagh Carr, USA, April 24 - May 24
"Hi, my name is Machalagh Carr. I am an attorney in Washington D.C., USA, where I live with my husband. I have had the opportunity to travel quite a bit, but have never traveled to Uganda and am looking forward to an opportunity to volunteer with Uganda Rural Fund. I will be volunteering URF with both my mother and father and look forward to learning more about this diverse country.
Robert Higgins, USA, April 24 - May 24
Hi. I am Bob Higgins - a first time volunteer with URF. I am retired and live in St. Petersburg, Florida. I am very enthused about having this opportunity to visit this beautiful country and getting a chance to get to know some of its people.
Leslie Proffit, USA, April 24 - May 24
My name is Leslie Proffit. I am currently working as a teacher at SierraNevadaJobCorps. This is a school in the United States that works with young adults ages 16 to 24. The object of the school is to teach a vocation and bring the student up to a certain leval of reading and mathematics. Most students leave with a G.E.D. or High School Education, as well as a vocation. I will be volunteering in Uganda with my daughter and friend. I am looking forward to the experience and know it will help me as well.
Tina Lovsletten, Norway, March 27 – July 27, 2011
"Hi! My name is Tina Løvsletten and I am a 24-year-old student from Norway. I have just finished my Bachelor of Science at NHH - the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration. Now I am really looking forward to volunteer for URF before starting on my master’s degree! My father lived in East-Africa (Tanzania and Kenya) for several years when he was younger thus I have always wanted to go to Africa to learn more about this complex continent and its diversity and beauty. By volunteering for URF I hope to learn a lot about Ugandan culture and to help out in any way I can!"
Hector Lopez, Australia, Nov 15 – Dec 2010
My name is Hector Lopez and I’m from Sydney, Australia. I was born in Singapore but moved to Australia when I was only very young. I’ve just finished my third year of medicine at the University of Tasmania. I haven’t travelled as much as I would have liked to. I have only travelled to Goa and Singapore/Malaysia. I am really excited to visit Uganda, but am not quite sure what to expect! I am always interested in meeting people from different cultures. I hope to learn a lot from the people in rural Uganda. I hope this trip will also broaden my perspective of life. My main hobby is playing the piano and sharing music with others.
Christina Wo ng, Australia, Nov 15 - Dec 2010
My name is Christina Wong. I am a Singaporean studying in Australia. I'm currently in my third year studying medicine. I love exploring the world. This is my first time heading to Uganda, and doing volunteer work overseas.
Lachlan Davey , Australia, Nov 15 - Dec 2010
My name is Lachlan Davey. I have grown up in Tasmania, Australia. I am currently studying medicine at the University of Tasmania and am keen to travel to Africa and help out with the Ugandan Rual Fund. I enjoy sports and outdoor activities. I have travelled many places in the past but not to Africa. I can't wait to explore Uganda and talk with its people.
Benjamin Wood, Australia, Nov 15 - Dec 2010
My name is Benjamin Wood and I’m from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. I am currently studying medicine at the University of Tasmania. I have been lucky enough to visit many places and experience many cultures in the past few years - and I cannot overemphasize how much I have learned from travelling. It is my number one passion. Since I was very young (perhaps it was inspiration from the Lion King) I have always wanted to visit Africa. It stands as a place of utmost awe in my mind. And Uganda, with its dark, engrossing history and with a diversity to match any country, stood out as a must-see place. I stumbled across URF on my search for an organization that would best suit our group’s aims and objectives. URF, put simply, appeared the most sincere, and after chatting with John for the first few times I knew I had made the right decision. I honestly can’t wait to start our project with the URF and I know it will be a life-changing (excuse the deserved cliché) experience!
Siak Lee, Aust ralia, Nov 15 - Dec 19
I was born in Malaysia, migrated to Australia when I was two years old and grew up in Melbourne. Currently I am studying medicine in Hobart, Tasmania in my third year. My parents are both of Malaysian heritage and my interest in health beyond the borders of this countries owes much to my heritage and visits to Malaysia as a child then as an adolescent. What particularly affected me was children begging in the street and members of my own family who could never pursue their own dreams as there wasn't enough money to send them to university. The great disparity between our living standards because of the blind luck that we were able to migrate is something that troubles and frankly annoys me.
Eeva K uisma, UK, Oct 11 - Nov 11
Moved to the UK from Finland 10 years ago, where I have worked with horses as a groom and now as an immunology scientist. Very excited about coming to Uganda as I've always been fascinated by Africa and this will be my first trip outside of Europe.
Nick Radford, UK, Oct 11 - Nov 11
 Biological Sciences graduate interested in business, politics and economics, particularly from an international perspective. Have experience in various roles, including in the renewable energy sector and in politics. Looking forward to a new experience in Uganda.
Erik Johanss on, Sweden, Oct 21 - Dec 22, 2010
My name is Erik Johansson. i am 23 yers old turning 24 in oktober. I come from north sweden´. Right now i am working on a dary farm. I am gooing to start studing at a agriculture uneversity next year. This is my first time to Uganda and i hawe to say that i am looking forward to it. Its gooing to be a big experience and i dont relly knowe howe to prepere me for all this but i think its gooing to be wery good. Looking forward to help oute whit all the projekts, meting new people and experience a new culture. See ya soon.
Megan Kollar, USA, August 15 - Nov 08, 2010
I'm a recent graduate of Santa Clara University with a bachelors in Education and Political Science. I love to teach and I find happiness when I'm around children (of all ages!) Laughing, playing, and talking are some of my favorite pasttimes. I'm so proud to be taking part in all that the Uganda Rural Fund is doing. I'm teaching Mathematics and English at Hope Integrated Academy and it's an incredible experience. I feel so lucky to have been given the opportunity to volunteer and learn from everyone here in Uganda. One of my favorite quotations that has inspired me to be involved with the URF is: "Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
John Winqu ist, Canada, Sept 01 - Dec 01, 2010
My name is Josh Winquist from Vancouver B.C. Canada. Travel is a big passion of mine. I’ve seen many places including some of the most remote and rural areas of South America and the Caribbean. This trip though, is the first time I’m heading into a rural area with the sole intention of volunteering. I have always had a desire to volunteer in Africa. It wasn’t until I came across the URF website that I felt I found the right organization to work for. I’m really looking forward to this experience, especially the idea of playing in a friendly football match or two.
Dalia Umug waneza, Rwanda, June 23 - July 23, 2010
Hello, my name is Dalia Umugwaneza, I am from Rwanda. I studied accountancy and management and made one year of anthropology. I have worked in the sector of the microfinance in Rwanda and in Belgium. I volunteered in microfinance in the rural sector in Ecuador and in Brazil. I am very happy to join URF for one month and to work with the women's group, to give some courses of management and accountancy and to learn more from the people and the culture of my neighbor country
Katie Thompson, USA, Sept 15 - Dec 15, 2010
Katie is a spunky, 26 year old actress, dancer, singer, and photographer from the Washington, DC area. She graduated from George Mason University in May 2007 with a Bachelor's degree in Theatre and a minor in Dance. Her first dream was to work for Walt Disney World, which she did in 2003, but she has also dreamed of traveling to Africa ever since she can remember. Now, the time has come, and the purpose has presented itself. Katie's dream is to share her joy and love for the performing arts with AIDS orphans, underprivileged families, and basically everyone she meets while volunteering in Uganda. Her plans are to live and work in Uganda with the URF for as long as she can, depending on how much money she can raise, and how long she can survive without Coke Zero and her cat, DaWayne. (And... yes of course her mother, father, sister, niece and friends, too!) She is truly grateful and humbled by this amazing opportunity and is so excited to experience all that Uganda and it's people have to offer. "I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back." - Maya Angelou
Milja Vir tanen, Finland, June 30 - July 30, 2010
My name is Milja Virtanen and I am a 24 years old student from Finland. I study at the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and my degree will be Bachelor of Social Services. I have been a volunteer but never abroad. This will be my first visiting to Uganda and I am looking forward my coming three month there! I have had a longtime dream to go to Africa and help children. I believe that my experience in URF will be great and I will learn much there.
Paivi Salo, F inland, July 01 - July 30, 2010
Hello! My name is Päivi Salo. I´m 27 years old girl from Finland. I am a kindergardenteacher and working in Jyväskylä. I like children very much and enjoy working with them. Now I have a possibilities to work with Uganda´s children. I can´t wait it. I have had a dream to travel to Afrika and working there. Now my dreams comes true!
Justin and Chelsea Embry, USA, August 02 - Sept 01, 2010
Hi, Our names are Justin and Chelsea Embry and we will be in Uganda August 2nd through September 1st. Justin is a senior at Weber State University in Ogden Utah and will be graduating in Economics and business German December 2010. Chelsea is currently working as a CNA and will be starting school in the fall for nursing. We are excited to go to Uganda as part of a volunteer and research project for the university. Justin is very interested in microfinance and and improving rural financial institutions. We are also currently building a business curriculum so we can help teach and pass it on to the URF. We hope to learn a lot during our visit to Uganda.
Leslie and Casey Stettler, USA, August 02 - Sept 01, 2010
Hello! Our names are Casey and Leslie Stettler from Utah. We are both seniors at Weber State University. Leslie is studying Sociology at Weber State. Casey is studying Economics at Weber State. We are very excited to come to Africa for the month of August. We are helping to help teach the business class in Uganda as part of a research and service project for Weber State University.
Michelle Addington, USA, June 30 - July 30, 2010
Hello! My name is Michelle Addington and I am a 20 year old student at Western Washington University which is near Seattle, Washington. I am studying accounting and financial economics with a minor in anthropology. I volunteer for the Whatcom Humane Society and Northwest Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. The summer of 2009 I travelled around the Mediterranean region and saw poverty in rural areas, especially the Berber villages of Morocco, that has insired me to volunteer in Uganda. I am very excited to go and get started!
Elissa Cada rleaf, USA, June 15 - June 20, 2010
Elissa Cedarleaf Dahl is an artist and educator living in Minneapolis, MN with her husband Erik and dog "Hootie". Elissa is an Adjunct Professor of Community Art classes at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design as well as a teacher of Spanish Bilingual Arts Integration lessons at Jefferson Community school. She has over 30 murals on 4 continents and loves to nordic ski and play softball. Her website is:
Amanda Kin nick, USA, June 01 - June 21, 2010
Hi! My name is Amanda Kinnick, but go by Mandy. I am 21 years old, soon to be 22 (May 25th!!). I have just graduated from University of Minnesota with a degree in Civil Engineering. I am excited be finally be done with school, and am ready to be out in the real world. I am the baby girl of family, with two older brothers (Robb, 36 & Tyler, 24). I am on the shy-side and am a complete chicken, but continually push myself out of my comfort zone and am pumped for a new adventure. I will be spending the whole summer in Uganda at Hope Integrated Academy, working on a joint effort between URF and Engineers Without Borders. This will be my first time visiting Africa and am could not be more excited for it!
Katheryn Hope, USA, June 01 - June 21, 2010
My name is Katheryn. I’m currently a senior at the University of MN studying Civil Engineering. I will be traveling to Hope Integrated Academy with the University of Minnesota chapter of Engineers Without Borders. I am from Stevens Point, WI one of the Top 10 Dreamtowns in the US. Last summer I worked at a hydroelectric dam on the Wisconsin River. I’m really excited to have gotten involved with Engineers without Borders. I hope our Phase III implementation is successful.
Emily H oskins, USA, June 01- July 21, 2010
Emily is a 20-year-old currently pursuing her degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Some of my interested are: reading, camping, fishing, traveling, and being with my family. This June I will be traveling to Hope Integrated Academy with Engineers Without Borders to help with the water project. I will be helping implement a bio-sand filter. I am very excited to learn about the community and culture of Uganda!
Kelly Sullivan, USA, June 1, 2010 – August 12, 2010
 Hello! My name is Kelly Sullivan. I’m 22 years old and just finished my fourth year in Civil Engineering at the University of Minnesota- Twin Cities. I am interested in Environmental Engineering and, upon graduating, plan to join the Peace Corps. I will be traveling to Uganda for the University of Minnesota Engineers Without Borders Chapter and spending my summer there. I enjoy reading and being outside and am very much looking forward to working with the communities and meeting new people.
Stephanie R ieger, USA, June 1, 2010 – August 1, 2010
Hello! My name is Stephanie. I’m a 21 year old undergraduate student at UC Berkeley majoring in Social Welfare and minoring in Global Poverty and Practice, in preparation for working in the NGO/non-profit sector and continuing my education in these fields. So far I’ve travelled to Italy and Spain, and visited Mexico a couple of times, but this will be my first experience in Africa. I’m so excited to get to Mulobere, Uganda and start working!
Phil Powell, USA - EWB, June 03 - 10
I am 56 years old and married to Elizabeth Powell for 32 years. I have two children, Allison and Carolyn who are in college studying to become an architect and a veterinarian. I live in Richmond, Virginia and work for the local electric utility, Dominion Virginia Power as Director Conservation and Load Management Research & Program Dev. My work at Dominion involved various assignments in four primary areas, Electric System Protection, Power Supply, Planning and Reliability. I have worked for Virginia Power for 33 years. I have a Bachelors Degree from Georgia Tech in Electrical Engineering and a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University. I like to run, campout, and do volunteer work. I was at Hope Integrated Academy last August working on the solar power system and enjoyed my first trip to Uganda.
Jeff Eiffler, USA, May 16 - 20, 2010
Elizabeth Eiffler, USA, May 16 - 20, 2010
Verity Bell, Australia, July 07 - Aug 09, 2010
Hi my name is Verity, I'm 25 from Sydney Australia. I'll be visiting URF in july/Aug for a month with my boyfriend Josh. We will be on an overland tour for 45 days before we get to URF, so I'm really looking forward to meeting the local people and not just seeing the country from a bus window. At the moment I work on a childrens television show, but will have to find something new once we gat back from our four months away! The thought of helping out at URF is really exciting and I'm definatly expecting it to be the highlight of the trip!"
Josh Shimmen, Australia, July 07 - Aug 09, 2010
"Hey, I’m Josh, a 24 year old guy from Australia. I’m currently studying to become a primary school teacher and looking forward to learning more about myself in Africa. I will be travelling Africa with my girlfriend Verity and we are really excited about staying with URF. Personally, I feel I have so much to offer and am really looking forward to helping out all I can. I’ve travelled to the USA, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam, but spent much of that time on a bus, so I am quite eager to get my hands dirty and experience the culture of the locals."
Jenna McNeil, Canada, July 15 - Aug 15, 2010.
My name is Jenna McNeil and I am a 19-year-old student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. I aspire to be an architect, urban planner or rural planner. I firmly believe that urban and rural design determines the relationship which humans have with this delicate planet, and affects their ability to be physically and mentally healthy. I am passionate about travelling, being in the great outdoors, and learning about how people live in other parts of the world. Two of my hobbies are making jewellery and singing, and I hope to teach these skills while I am in Uganda. Through my various volunteer positions, ranging from coaching field hockey to working at an organic food co-op, I have discovered truths about myself and the world around me, and this motivates me to continue to volunteer. I am so excited to be immersed in rural Ugandan life.
Sarah Langford , USA, Jan 07 - 23, 2009
Greetings! I am a nurse at community clinic in Minneapolis also studying public health at the University of MN. In particular I work to increase vaccination rates, improve asthma control, and prevent obesity. My patients come from all over the world including Uganda! I am always learning by listening to their wisdom, this learning I hope to do while working with URF
Bree Auringer, USA, Jan 03 - Jan 23, 2010
 Hi! My name is Bree Auringer and I will be travelling to Uganda with a group of fellow college students from Minnesota to shoot a documentary on child-headed households. We are very lucky to have made a connection with the Uganda Rural Fund and Hope Integrated Academy; we are excited and prepared to create and maintain connections between our college and area and the URF. I am from Mantorville, Minnesota and in my last year of school at the College of St. Benedict. I spent four months studying in South Africa earlier this year, so Uganda will be a wonderful new adventure in Africa for me.
Catherine Hansen, USA, Jan 03 - Jan 23, 2010
Hello, my name is Catherine Hansen. I am a student at the College of Saint Benedict - Saint John's University studying biology and Asian studies. I will graduate in May, and hope to begin medical school in September. I love to travel - I lived and worked in Japan for one year, and have also travelled to Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, and Hong Kong. This will be my first time in Africa. I look forward to learning all about Uganda, learning some Lugandan phrases, and meeting many new people. The group I am coming with from CSB-SJU will be filming a documentary about child-headed families at Hope Academy. Thank you all in advance for your support!
Thomas Ritichie, Australia, Jan 07 - Feb 2010
Hello. My name is Tom Ritchie, from Brisbane, Australia (although I currently live in London). I am 28, and I work as a lawyer. I have done some volunteering in Australia before, but this will be my first time visiting Africa. I am very excited and can't wait to begin volunteering in January 2010. I am especially looking forward to meeting new people and making a difference! Kind regards
Megan Ariotti, Australia, Jan 07 - Feb 28, 2010
Hi! I'm Megan Ariotti a 27 year old from Brisbane, Australia, although I am currently based in London. I am qualified dietitian working in the hospital and the community in London and back in Australia. I have never been to Africa before and I am looking forward to lending a helping hand where I can, meeting new people and experiencing a different way of life.
Lyndsey Lennon, UK, Jan 05 - Feb, 2009
"Hi everyone, I’m Lyndsey Milne, 26 years old and I am from the UK. If I could have been on a plane yesterday to be in Uganda with you I would. I am utterly excited. I trained as an actor in one of London’s top Acting Schools and have spent the last few years treading the boards and immersing myself in the Arts. I have found myself four years later feeling a huge desire to put my energy back into the world. I want to do that in Uganda!! I fly January 5th and I cannot wait!!! Doing a car boot sale, charity collection and bungee jump to raise some fund… Bungee Jump! Absolutely terrified! I’m counting down the days until I’m there!"
Esyllt Jones, Wales, Dec 09 - Jan 12, 2009
Haia I'm Esyllt from Wales. UK. Just celebrate my 40th birthday but feel 21. I left school @ 16 and did a course in Catering and later Business. I started travelling 8 years ago and loved it. In 2005 I visited a school in Ejura, Ghana and in 2007 I returned and spent a month @ and orphanage on the outskirt of Kumasi. I work as as a chef for a Outdoor Education Centre in Bala. North Wales. I am looking forward to my trip to Uganda and will fly in on the 9th of December.
Sarah Davies, UK, Sept 23 - Dec, 2009
"Hi Im Sarah, 20 from London. So a little about me... I left school at 18 and have been travelling and working abroad ever since! I started doing a volunteer trip for 3 months in orphanages in Ghana 07. Then I spent a year working in Australia, I worked last winter in Austrian Alps and finally spent this summer as an aupair in Iceland! I have a perfect 3 month slot before I start in the alps again this winter and am so excited to come back and volunteer in Africa!!!"
Katri Tiikkaja, Sept 16 - Dec 13, 2009
"Hi! My name is Katri and I´m from Finland, from Jyväskylä. I´m studying social services in the University of Applied Sciences. I have been studying now for two years. Before I even began to stydy I was dreaming of going abroad during my studies and now my dream is becoming true! I think this is an awesome possibility for me to learn many new things. I love travelling and I´m very interested in different cultures. I like a lot of working with children and mostly I will work at the orphanage. This is my very first time Uganda. I have been twice in Africa, in Tunis and in Egypt but those were only short trips, holidays with my family to some tourist places. I hardly can´t wait!"
Milja Vir tanen, Finland, Sept 16 - Dec 13, 2009
My name is Milja Virtanen and I am a 23 years old student from Finland. I study at the Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and my degree will be Bachelor of Social Services. I have been a volunteer but never abroad. This will be my first visiting to Uganda and I am looking forward my coming three month there! I have had a longtime dream to go to Africa and help children. I believe that my experience in URF will be great and I will learn much there.
Kelsey Jordan, USA, Sept 05 - Nov 14, 2009.
My name is Kelsey Jordan and I am 21 years old. This will be my first time visiting Uganda and I feel so lucky to have this opportunity. I will be there from the beginning of September until November. I recently graduated from Boston University with a BA in psychology and have always been very interested in human services. I went to Ghana last summer and volunteered in a hospital. I knew once I graduated I wanted to go back to Africa to volunteer. I am very excited to learn about a Ugandan culture and to help the Uganda Rural Fund in any way I can.
Rebecca Richards, USA, Sept 05 - Nov 14, 2009.
Hello my name is Rebecca Richards and I am a recent graduate of Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida with degrees in International Relations and Global Affairs and French. I am 22 years old and I am very excited to work with the Uganda Rural Fund and study different aspects of development. I traveled to Ghana in January 2007 and I am looking forward to seeing a new part of Africa. When I return to the United States, I hope to have a better understanding of foreign aid, the causes of poverty, agricultural innovation, micro financing, and the relationship between developing nations and organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank. I am greatly looking forward to learning more about Uganda through this incredible experience!
Phil Powe ll, USA, July 22 - Aug 02, 2009
My name is Phil Powell and I am a 55 year old engineer from Richmond, Virginia. I work for the Virgina electric utilitiy and will be the Engineers Without Boarders mentor for a group of Engineering Students from Virginia Tech who are working to install a solar photovoltaic power system at the Hope Integrated Academy. My interests are renewable energy supplies, energy efficiency, and electric demand control systems. I have worked in power engineering for almost 34 years. I love astronomy, anything electrical, running and general volunteer work. I am married with two children and love every moment of time I get to spend with all of them. I am really looking forward to my first trip to Uganda.
Alan J. Finke, USA, July 08 - Aug 04, 2009.
A.J. is sixteen years old and his birthday is 1-3-93 and currently working at a Boy Scout Camp which has been doing as a camp counselor for the past several summers. He has been a boy scout since he was old enough to join as a cub scout in first grade. He is at the last level in scouts and working towards becoming an Eagle Scout. He will be a Junior in high school this fall and will be attending Butler Tech for Commercial Art. He is a extremely talented artist. He likes to play all sports and has played on soccer baseball and football teams. A.J. Has a mom named Mary Ann, Dad named Allan, sister 14 years old named Neva. We have two dogs and one new little kitten. Our family is large on both sides so ther are grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and lot of friends. - would say A.J. Is a very awesome kid and cares a lot about helping others.
Laura MacFarland, USA, July 08 - Aug 04, 2009.
I am seventeen years old and am approaching my senior year in high school. This is my third trip to Uganda within a year and a half as well as my second time volunteering with Uganda Rural Fund. After spending about four weeks with URF, I will be with the United Methodist Church of Uganda for a week-long stay that will include a trip to Gulu to see how the region has been recovering from the war. Obviously, I can't get enough of Uganda and it's amazing people and am looking so much forward to returning. I will be traveling with my mother and a friend. I look forward to meeting all the volunteers at URF.
Patty MacFarland, USA, July 08 - Aug 04, 2009.
My name is Patty MacFarland. I will be returning to Uganda the first part of July for 5 weeks. I will accompany my oldest daughter Laura as she is still a minor not to mention that I love it there too. We love URF and the work they do. This is why we have decided to return to this area again. I am a librarian at the local seminary in Lexington. I love my work, especially that I am able to work part time and then enjoy my children/family when they are home from school. I also serve on the district for the United Methodist Women. My younger daughter, Emily will remain back in the states with her father who is a pastor. Emily enjoys her summer working at a horse camp and hanging out with her own horse and all of her other friends.
Johan W ollin, Sweden, Sept 14, 2009 - March 14, 2010.
"My name is Johan Wollin and i am 22 years old. I live in Stockholm, Sweden where i´m currently working half-time and studying. I am planning to study agricultural sciences in a swedish university but before that i would like to do some volunteer work since that is what i want to work with in the future. On my spare time i enjoy reading, hanging out with friends and exercising. I have always enjoyed traveling and seeing new parts of the world and coming to Uganda in the fall will be a great experience. When i´m there i will be ready to help out in whatever way i can. Until then i wish you all the best."
Ahmed, Mabruk, USA, July 9 - Aug 15, 2009
My name is Ahmed Mabruk, and I'm a rising junior at Harvard, where I study history. My stint as an intern at Uganda Rural Fund will be the focus of my summer, and will include both work with the NGO as well as independent research. Among my responsibilities will be helping scale up a microfinancing program for the Masaka community, establishing a human rights curriculum at Hope Integrated Academy, and assisting with URF's other initiatives, particularly its outreach program to child-headed families and an HIV/AIDS awareness campaign. Born and raised in Austin, Texas, I am a ardent vegetarian who enjoys writing, reading, and running along the Charles River (when Cambridge weather permits). Human rights advocacy and journalism are my principal hobbies, and all things African top the list of my interests (my father is from Libya, so this trip to Uganda won't be my first time on the continent). I'll be researching minority rights issues in Amsterdam in preparation for my inaugural trip to Uganda, and I'm eagerly anticipating collaborating with the other URF workers as well as interacting with Masaka's rich community.
Rich Allevi, USA, July 22 - Aug 04, 2009.
My name is Rich Allevi and I am a 21 year old engineering student at Virginia Tech. I will be heading to Uganda this summer as the leader of an Engineers Without Borders team that will work to install a solar photovoltaic system at the Hope Integrated Academy in order to provide more consistent power for the school. My other interests include playing and listening to music, camping, growing vegetables, playing ultimate frisbee, thinking, cooking, reading, and riding my bicycle. I was born and raised in the suburbs of New York City. I will be traveling to Iceland this summer as well, in order to tour the country with friends and check out their geothermal energy systems, as renewable energy is the focus of my studies at school. I look forward to meeting all the locals and volunteers at URF this summer, and being able to work with all of the kids at the academy.
Andr ew Arana, USA, July 20 - Aug 02, 2008
Andrew is a 25-year-old from Blacksburg, Virginia. He is currently working on his Ph.D in electrical engineering with a concentration in power systems. His interests include renewable energy, control of large scale power systems, and poverty relief. He was born in Trinidad, but has lived in Belize, England, Canada, and the United States. This is his second trip to Africa, but it will be his first time in Uganda.
Molly Dierks, USA, June 25 - July 24, 2009
Molly Dierks is a graduate of Dartmouth College with a BA in Psychology and English. She is interested in covering the activities and helping out a great group of folks she volunteered with last summer as an important part of her education and desire to positively change others through her art which she currently works on out of Richmond. She is ecstatic to be involved with URF "on the ground", hopes to get some amazing photographs and spread the word about URF's mission upon her return to Richmond and beyond. She thinks URF has done amazing things and hopes to also build up the crafts program while in Uganda.
Amber K oskey, USA, June 30- June 26, 2009
I am originally from Mosinee, a small city in central Wisconsin. I obtained my undergraduate degree, a Bachelor of Science in Biology (Chemistry and Psychology minors), at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point (UWSP). During my time at UWSP I spent the spring semester of my junior year studying abroad in London, England. My time studying abroad and other personal travels have taken me to various countries within Europe and to Mexico, but this will be my first time traveling to Africa. Following my graduation from UWSP, I spent a year in Knoxville, Tennessee as an AmeriCorps volunteer on the Water Quality Team. As a member of the Water Quality Team I taught water quality education in local high schools and middle schools, participated in stream restoration projects, and collaborated with local agencies in watershed research and data collection. Following my AmeriCorps experience I moved to St Paul, Minnesota, which is where I know reside. I am currently working on my Masters of Public Health in Environmental Health with a concentration in global health at the University of Minnesota. I have a particular interest in water quality and its effect on health. I got involved with the Engineers Without Borders – University of Minnesota (EWB-UMN) team last fall and I’m really excited about the Water Supply, Sanitation and Health project that our team will be embarking on this June.
Brian Bell, USA, June - July 15, 2009
Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, I recently graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and Architecture minor. I now look forward to an enjoyable summer, including returning to Uganda to spend five weeks at HIA. I have been working with URF since April 2007 when I became involved with water and sanitation projects for the school with Engineers Without Borders at the University of Minnesota (EWB-UMN). In June 2008, I traveled to Kyetume with a team of engineering students and two professionals from EWB-UMN to install our designs for rainwater harvesting and dry composting sanitation systems. In summer 2009, I will return to HIA with 13 engineering and public health students, a professional, and a film maker to help manage the implementation of groundwater, sanitation, and health projects. Following my time at HIA, I will return to the US to spend time with family and friends. In October I will begin graduate school for a Master’s of Philosophy in Engineering for Sustainable Development at the University of Cambridge. My most recent international travels included visits to Tanzania, Uganda, Haiti, and Costa Rica (and soon India). My interests include cooking breakfast and stir-fries, eating delicious food from around the world, bicycling throughout the year, and reading adventure stories.
Chris Blake, USA, June 20 - June 10, 2009
I'm Chris Blake from the US. I've been able to volunteer at URF once before and had a great experience. Was able to help build a new boy's dorm at Nazareth Home and still want to assist the home in any way that works for it and the organization; but have interests in all aspects of the organization. Work part time as a therapist and continue to try to raise money for URF. Plan to work stay with and document lives of orphans in Child Led households in effort to raise money back home for fees for orphans and CLH's. Look forward to seeing old friends from my time last September. Am amazed at how many people are going to be in Kyetume at the same time in late June. I'm well known for overpacking and total paranoia about mosquitos.
Frank Arma tis, USA, June 10 - July 08, 2009
My name is Frank Armatis. I live in Stillwater, Minnesota, USA with my wife, Kathy. We have two daughters, Lindsey (age 26) and Anna (age 21). I’ve recently joined the Engineers Without Borders-University of Minnesota Team as a professional mentor/advisor. I retired from 3M Company in April, 2009 where my career encompassed a variety of roles both technical and management. I’m an alumnus of both Iowa State University (B.S. Chemistry) and Purdue University (PhD Inorganic Chemistry). During my career I’ve contributed both technical and management expertise to a variety of technology/product development programs. I hope to be able to do the same with the EWB-UMN team. My business and personal travel experiences have taken me to a number of countries in Europe and Asia but this will be my first trip to Africa. I’m very excited about this implementation trip and expect to learn much from my experience.
Adam Both , USA, June 08 - June 26, 2009
Adam is a 27 yr old graduate student at the University of Minnesota studying environmental engineering. His research is focused on environmental health in developing countries, but his real interests lie in BBQ-ing by the lake with friends and family. He spent 2005-2006 working with Engineering Ministries International in Kampala and is excited to be coming back with Engineers Without Borders.
Nate Cantley, June 26 - June 08, 2009
Nathan is a 23 year old recently graduated from the University of Minnesota with a degree in Civil Engineering. He is interested in sustainable community development. This will be his first trip to Africa and he is very excited to built relationships with in the community and experience the Ugandan culture. He hopes his presence will enrich the lives of both the children of HIA and the community.
Annie Coo k, US, June 03 - June 26, 2009
My name is Annie Cook and I graduated from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities this spring in Bioproducts and Biosystems Engineering. I am volunteering at Hope Integrated Academy with Engineers Without Borders. We have been working since September 2008 on a design to provide a constant water source for the kids, teachers, and volunteers at Hope Integrated Academy.
I am really excited to spend the month of June in another country meeting so many new people and experiencing a new culture and new way of life. I have never been to Africa before and I can’t wait to work hard there to provide water for the school!
Katerin a Georgiou, June 08 - June 26, 2009
My name is Katerina Georgiou and I am an 18 years old student at the University of Minnesota. I just finished my second year studying Chemical Engineering. My family is from Greece, so I have been raised both there and in the United States. I have done a lot of traveling all over Europe and Central America, but this will be my first trip to Africa. I am looking forward to spending time in Uganda this summer to implement the designs for Hope Integrated Academy that we have been working on all year with the Engineers Without Borders students at the University of Minnesota. I also look forward to meeting the other URF volunteers, and the locals and kids in the community.
Steve Han key, USA, June 26 - July 08, 2009
Hi, my name is Steve and I will be coming to Hope Integrated Academy as part of project team from Engineers Without Borders. I am currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota studying Environmental Engineering and Urban Planning. I look forward to the experiences to come and the chance to meet all who are involved at HIA. See you all soon.
Nick Haup t, USA, June 26 - July 15, 2009
My name is Nick Haupt, and I was born and raised in Minnesota and have called Minneapolis home since since September 2004. I am a resent graduate from mechanical engineering and the University of Minnesota. I became involved with the Hope Integrated Academy in September 2008 as a member of the Engineers Without Borders -Uganda project team . I have been involved with EWB for the past two years and most recently as the vice president. In our June 2009 project I will be in charge of the electrical systems and the solar panel installation. ON past trips I worked with a village in Guatemala on a water supply project. I am very interested in community development and enjoy knowing that I am making a big difference in peoples life.
Kat heryn Hope, USA, June 08 - June 26, 2009
My name is Katheryn. I’m currently a senior at the University of MN studying Civil Engineering. I will be traveling to Hope Integrated Academy with the University of Minnesota chapter of Engineers Without Borders. I am from Stevens Point, WI one of the Top 10 Dreamtowns in the US. Last summer I worked at a hydroelectric dam on the Wisconsin River. I’m really excited to have gotten involved with Engineers without Borders. I hope our implementation is successful.
Gret a Schmalle, USA, June 03 - June 26, 2009
My name is Greta Schmalle and I am currently a senior at the University of Minnesota studying Geological Engineering. I am from Stoughton, Wisconsin, and am a devout Packer fan. For fun I enjoy running, kayaking, camping, road biking (riding RAGBRAI) and crosswords. I will be traveling to Hope Integrated Academy with the University of Minnesota chapter of Engineers Without Borders. This will be my first trip to Uganda and I am very excited.
Eric Hettle r, USA, June 26- July 08, 2009
My name is Eric Hettler, and I was born and raised along the front range of Colorado, but I have lived in Minneapolis since June 2008. I am a graduate student studying civil engineering at the University of Minnesota. In late June I am traveling to Hope Integrated Academy with the University of Minnesota chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-UMN) for the implementation of a water supply and distribution system. My involvement with EWB began when I was an undergraduate at Colorado State University. With EWB-CSU, I traveled to rural El Salvador and worked on the implementation of a water supply and water treatment project for two small communities. Collaborating with rural communities to design and implement engineering projects has been the most valuable experience of my engineering education.
Emily H oskins, USA, June 20- July 14, 2009
Emily is a 20-year-old currently pursuing her degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. Some of my interested are: reading, camping, fishing, traveling, and being with my family. This June I will be traveling to Hope Integrated Academy with Engineers Without Borders to help with the water project. I will be helping implement a bio-sand filter. I am very excited to learn about the community and culture of Uganda!
Beth Anderson, USA, June 16 - July 02, 2009.
I’m from Minnesota, though I’ve spent most of my adult life in other parts of the United States. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in wildlife ecology and rural sociology in 2001. My past jobs range from lobbying for an ocean pollution bill in Washington, D.C. to raising endangered whooping cranes for an ultra-light project. I returned to school to earn a degree in digital video in 2006 and have since edited several short films. Currently, I shoot, direct, edit and produce videos for the Institute on the Environment at the University of Minnesota. This is my second time to Africa and I’m looking forward to making a short documentary about the work of the Engineers Without Borders group in Uganda. In my free time, I love scrapbooking, reading historical fiction, and watching tons of movies.
Diego Ponc e de Leon Barido, USA, June 03 - July 26, 2009.
Hi. Throughout the last 7 years I’ve lived in Mexico, Wales and the USA and travelled across Europe and Central America and visited several countries in South East Asia and South America. I recently finished a dual degree program studying economics and civil engineering at Macalester College and the University of Minnesota and look forward to working with the URF and EWB-UMN in Uganda. I’m excited about the project, but even more about working with the community and getting to know the people and children.
Tyler Weber, USA, June 01 - July 24, 2009.
My name is Tyler Weber and I am from Wisconsin, USA. Currently I live in Minneapolis, MN, and I working a master of public health degree in maternal and child health and global health. Health is awesome! This summer i'm heading over to uganda to work with Engineers Without Borders (I know nothing about engineering!) and HIA. I am very excited to be returning to East Africa and Uganda specfically to experience the culture, language, and people. It should be fun!
Kimberly Brown, USA, May 20 - July 01, 2009
Kim is 24 years old and a native of Greenville, SC. In 2002 she moved to NYC for undergraduate studies and has been working in the city since graduation. In 2005, she spent time in Nakuru, Kenya working with orphans and street children while teaching at a community school. Her senior thesis was focused on the globalization of street children and has done research since regarding Uganda's vulnerable children. For the past few years, while working at a law firm she's worked on various pro bono asylum cases and immigration reform cases which further piqued her interest in pursuing a law degree. Upon her return to the states, she'll begin law school at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. This is her first time in Uganda and can't wait to start working with URF and is thrilled for the adventures ahead!
Emma Soriano Mínguez, Spain, May 13 - June 15, 2009
I'm Emma, from Spain.I was born in Denia, Alicante. I learnt guitar and music in the Conservatory and Spanish Literature in the University.I love music,theater,cinema,literature and doing sports. I live my free time with my boyfriend, my family and friends. I'm a music teacher in a high school.I like it and I think I'm a very lucky woman.I can achieve my dream about helping childs in Africa when I'm 41 years old (but I'm excited like a little girl). I hope can be useful, to have a good experience,to learn a lot of things and to come back home for share them with my pupils, my family and friends.
Angelica Palm, Netherlands, April 8 - Aug 02, 2009
I'm Angelica, a 24-year-old girl from Sweden. I've had a life-long dream to go to Africa and experience the rural areas and the everyday life of the African countries. Having spent a year as an au-pair abroad, I feel that the best way to experience a country and culture is to live there together with the locals. This experience inspired me to work more with children and I especially look forward to getting to know and spend time with the children of Uganda. In 2010 I will graduate with a Master's in biomedicine. However, before starting my Master's thesis I'll take some time off to go to Uganda. My Bachelor thesis was, and my Master's thesis will be research projects about HIV. These projects have provided me with knowledge about the virus and I hope that I will be able to use this knowledge at place in Uganda. Hopefully, I will get a chance to take part in providing information about the virus to the people of Uganda as well as being a support for infected individuals who may have lost their hope.
Sonya Sangser, Canada, February 28 - March 28, 2009
Sonya is an avid humanitarian, human rights activist, and promoter of public service and international social justice. She has an undergraduate degree in business from the University of the Fraser Valley and currently works as a full time commercial cargo pilot. She has a strong background in volunteering, having volunteered for various charities including the Delta Hospice Society, promoting Invisible Children, and Oxfam Canada. Sonya is currently the Oxfam Vancouver Public Services Campaign co-coordinator, and a member of the BC/Yukon Regional Steering Committee for Oxfam Canada. Sonya believes that empowering people through giving them the tools to help themselves is the key to ending poverty. Sonya is planning on obtaining a Masters in International Rural Development or pursue International Law in the near future, and is traveling to Uganda in 2009, and will continue to travel there until poverty is history!
Patricia Manning, Canada, Jan 26 - 2009.
My name is Patricia Manning. I am 25 years old, and have completed my Bachelor Degree in Social Work. Since graduation, I have worked to save to come to Africa, as it has always been my dream to work there. I started my trip in Cape Town, after a brief visit with my sister in Australia. She is completing her masters degree in International Relations in Brisbane. Since being in Africa, I have been to Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya. Soon, my overland trip will take me to Uganda. I have enjoyed seeing the wildlife, but am looking forward to becoming part of a community and getting immersed in their culture. Previous to my completion of my social work degree, I worked as a lifeguard and swim instructor to pay for university. I enjoyed that work a lot and most of my friends are from it. At home, I enjoy going out for dinner with my friends; as well as, the occasional music concert. I also manage my father's rugby team, which means every Saturday morning, rain or shine, I am on the side of a rugby pitch cheering the team on. I look forward to starting my placement in Uganda! Can't wait to meet everyone,
Marieke van Griensven, Netherlands, Jan 04 - June 15, 2009
I am Marieke and am 27 years old. I am from The Netherlands but tend to try and spend most of my time elsewhere. My love for traveling has always been fed by my family while traveling in Europe when I was younger. And by my father who previously lived in various parts of Africa. Standing on my own two feet I quickly jumped on a plane to start journeys on my own. Since then, my heart has never stopped planning new adventures abroad.
I have just graduated as a Pedagogue and am currently working in a child- and youth psychiatric centre as a group leader. And so with my degree in hand, the world is my oyster and I am very excited about my plans to come. Even more excited I am about Uganda being my first stop in my upcoming travels. I have always had a heart for developing countries and have often found myself struggling with the inequalities life brings. Often people who have a lot, actually have hardly anything. And the people who are looked upon as having nothing, are the richest in life. And I feel privileged to have the opportunity to come to Uganda, meet new people, experience the culture and hopefully use the skills that I have wherever they are needed.
Dav id Bassett, UK, Dec 13, 2008- Jan 09, 2009
David is a 26 year old from Reading, England. After graduating in Mathematics and Economics he worked in London for an advertising agency for 5 years, until he couldn't take it anymore and ran away to Africa to have some fun and learn a little. So far, he's spent 3 months in Southern Africa, and is looking forward to helping out in Uganda. After Africa, he's going to study a Masters in Philosophy and Economics at Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
Michael Spencer, Western Australia, Dec 01, 2008 - Jan 01, 2009
Michael is currently working as a Chaplain in two High Schools in a little Western Australian country town called Harvey. Michael has always had a heart for Africa. He is 24 years old and married, he will be leaving his wife behind for a month to help wherever he can in Masaka. His mother, Tanya, will be keeping him company on the trip and keeping him under control.
Tanya Spencer, Western Australia, Dec 01, 2008 - Jan 01, 2009

A lifelong dream of Tanya's has always been to go to Africa and help those in need. Woking as an industrial paramedic on the mine sites in northern Western Australia, she is looking forward to using the skills gained there and many others. She is very excited, and a little nervous, as this is her first trip to Africa, but is eager to get into the community, meet the locals and delve into the culture Africa has to offer. She will be accompanied by her son, Michael.
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